I had a long night participating in FHIR Connectathon 3 the main objective for me was to get a couple features done and have some real interaction with FHIR client apps.
I participated remotely which is really not the best.... after all I miss all the action at dinner! But thanks to skype I was reasonably connected. The timezone was the killer 11pm-6am is a bit of a stretch for this old man.
Happily managed to get some interaction happening; really only patient resource but managed to get paging information added to ATOM feed and put in some support for JSON representation of the feed.
Since connectathon completed I have added MedicationPrescription and Procedure resources.
Still to do - search parameters for all of the resources (except Patient) and history operation.
Reference - Oridashi Hiasobi FHIR Server: http://www.oridashi.com.au/fhir