Thursday, 15 May 2014

Oridashi #FHIR Servers Demo Rework

Revamped site for Oridashi-Hiasobi servers demonstration (+ whole Oridashi site) is now up and running.

Check out for live demonstrator calling Oridashi-Hiasobi servers direct with Javascript from the page. This includes:

  • ability to set xml or json return formats
  • has a set of samples searches
  • results of search are loaded on screen.
  • click 'See MD' or 'See BP' to switch between servers
Of course the base demo servers are still available for direct use.

Let me know if there are any issues.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

#FHIR Connectathon 6 + population metrics

Population metrics play app for HL7 FHIR Connectathon 6 is now online - feel free to have a play; if you would like your server added let me know the details.

It lets you pick one of 8 online demo servers from the FHIR implementers' community (on the right) and then obtain a population metric chart for that repository.  e.g

Demographics Chart - sex/age breakdown

 Disease Prevalence - top 10 most common current disease conditions

Smoking Status - population stats on cigarette smoking records

There is also a little 'Search by Name' page for any of the servers (link top right).